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Baby Massage

Many cultures have used baby massage as a longstanding parenting tradition. Around 30 years ago it was introduced to the western world and has become very popular in the UK. I use the IAIM baby massage techniques and this is a combination of Indian and Swedish massage as well as incorporating reflexology and principles of yoga.

Parents are taught a sequence of soothing holds and strokes which benefit the babies in four main areas:
  • Interaction and Bonding
  • Relaxation
  • Relief
  • Stimulation.
Baby massage is wonderful for assisting a healthy development as it provides a beautiful opportunity to express love and sharing touch and affection.

Babies feel securely attached, it reduces emotional stress and crying for the baby. They become body aware and find relief from wind, colic and constipation whilst feeling securely attached.

Parents feel a closer bond with baby, learning to have an increased understanding of baby whilst also feeling the relaxation benefits from giving your baby nurturing touch. It truly is a gift!

My classes include a full body massage, a colic routine, with gentle movements and touch relaxation.

Here are what other Parents have said when attending my classes:

" Angela is very friendly and was very relaxed even when baby's crying"

"Angela has a happy personality with lots of knowledge and told us anything we did was ok"

" My baby's sleep improved and he was very happy and enjoyed his massage. Angela was very approachable and very friendly".

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